About us

Environmental portal www.servedplanet.com has been launched by Basant Chaudhary, eminent industrialist, author and poet based in Nepal. His poems, lyrics and articles penned over four decades are known for promoting love, brotherhood and harmony.

Portal www.servedplanet.com is dedicated to promoting a harmonious relationship between earth and humankind. The portal is edited by veteran journalist and corporate communicator Rajiv Saxena.

We are witnessing how mankind’s irresponsible use of natural resources has led to a host of problems, including climate change, water scarcity, food insecurity, natural disasters, and the loss of wildlife. 

One of the most significant contributors to climate change is the burning of fossil fuels which releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This has increased dramatically in the last century, leading to a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures. No wonder, sea levels have risen, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods and droughts.

Reckless human activities have contributed also to the scarcity of water and food insecurity. The overfishing of the oceans has led to declining fish populations. Atmospheric pollution is endangering human health and wellbeing. Biodiversity has been dealt a debilitating blow. 

Servedplanet.com is committed to creating general awareness about the challenges threatening Mother Earth. Servedplanet.com will pursue this in a simple and straightforward manner to engage all and sundry.

We look forward to your comments and suggestions.


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