Yes, bees ensure our being!

May 15, 2023 - 19:38
May 16, 2023 - 12:00
 0  86
Yes, bees ensure our being!

Can you forget when a bee stung you the last time? Maybe not! But do you know that bees keep humankind alive?  But for these tiny winged creatures we would starve. There will be no food!

Bees are the most important pollinators for flowering plants, including many of the crops we rely on for food. Without bees, many of these plants would not be able to reproduce, and our food supply would be severely impacted. Not just that, bees play a pivotal role in maintaining biodiversity in our ecosystems. They help to pollinate wildflowers and other plants that provide habitat and food for other animals.

Bees, of course, produce honey, which is a valuable food source for humans. It also has medicinal properties and is used in many health and beauty products.

From a purely economic point of view, bees are essential for the agricultural industry. They contribute billions of dollars to the global economy through pollination services, honey production, and other bee-related products. They are also important indicators of the health of our environment. Their decline in recent years has been linked to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change, all of which have broader implications for the health of our ecosystems.

Despite their immense contribution to mankind and other species, bees are confronting several risks in the modern world, which have contributed to a decline in their populations in recent years.

Habitat loss: The destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats, including meadows, forests, and wetlands, have reduced the availability of food sources and nesting sites for bees.

Pesticides: The use of pesticides, including neonicotinoids, has been linked to declines in bee populations. These chemicals can be toxic to bees and other pollinators, affecting their ability to navigate, forage, and reproduce.

Climate change: Changes in weather patterns, such as extreme temperatures and unpredictable rainfall, have disrupted the timing of flowering and pollination cycles, affecting the availability of food for bees.

Diseases and parasites: Bees are susceptible to a range of diseases and parasites, including Varroa mites, Nosema fungus, and Colony Collapse Disorder, which can weaken and kill bee colonies.

Industrial agriculture: The intensification of agriculture has led to the use of monoculture, where large areas of land are planted with a single crop, reducing the diversity of food sources for bees and making them more vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Pesticides damage the brains of bees

Busy bees big earners

Bees play a significant role in the global economy through their pollination services. According to a report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the global economic value of pollinators, including bees, was estimated at $ 235-577 billion in 2015.

Honey production was globally valued at $ 9.2 billion in 2019, with an estimated production of 1.9 million tons. Honey is used in food, beverages, and other products, and has significant economic value.

Bees also produce other valuable products, such as beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly, which are used in cosmetics, healthcare products, and other industries.

Bees and other pollinators can also contribute to ecotourism, generating revenue for local communities through activities such as beekeeping tours and honey tastings.

Protecting and conserving bee populations is therefore not only important for their ecological value but also for their economic value to society.

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